10 Minutes and Under Collection

10 Minutes and Under Collection

Short on time? Breathe, move and rest with our 10 minutes and under selection.

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10 Minutes and Under Collection
  • 5 Min Energiser with Zakiya

    Join Zakiya for an energising seated practice to awaken your mind and body, including Lion’s breath. Lion's Breath not only stretches the muscles in your face but also relieves tension and tightness while improving circulation. It's an energetic and awakening breath that will also help to ease th...

  • 9 Min Extended Exhale Breathing Practice with Zakiya

    Join Zakiya for a soothing extended exhale practice to promote peace and calm. Longer exhales cause the vagus nerve to send a signal to your brain, activating the parasympathetic nervous system (rest and digest) and easing the sympathetic nervous system (fight, flight, or freeze).

  • 5 Min Confidence Booster with Zakiya

    Join Zakiya for an affirming practice and manifest a confident, positive mindset for the day ahead. The way we speak to ourselves can have a profound effect on how we feel, our energy levels and our behaviours. This practice can support you to feel confident, connected and at ease with yourself, ...

  • 5 Min Soother with Zakiya

    Join Zakiya to soothe your mind and body in this calming mini-practice. You'll do a soothing breathing practice and self-nurturing gentle movement. This is perfect for anxious moments.

  • 6 Min Humming Bee Breathing with Zakiya

    Join Zakiya for a seated practice exploring humming bee breathing. The vibrations from the humming sound have a natural calming effect and give immediate relief from tension, worry, anger, stress and anxiety. It's helpful for those with hypertension as it calms down the agitated mind. It also hel...

  • 5 Min Pelvic Floor Breathing Practice with Zakiya

    Join Zakiya for a pelvic floor breathwork practice to support your pelvic floor health. With each breath you take, your diaphragm (the muscle at the bottom of your ribcage) moves. When your diaphragm moves, your pelvic floor moves. (Your pelvic floor is a group of muscles that sits at the bottom ...

  • 9 Min Morning Seated Soothing Flow with Zakiya

    Join Zakiya for a seated morning flow to calm feelings of overwhelm. Waking up feeling anxious and overwhelmed is very common. Try this seated practice to calm your nervous system and prepare you for the day ahead.

  • 8 Min Evening Wind-Down with Paula

    Join Paula for gentle floor-based practice to ease your mind and body into a relaxed state ready for bed. Gentle movements to release tension from your body can support better sleep.

  • 10 Min Morning Affirmations Meditation with Coco

    Join Coco for an affirming morning meditation to manifest a positive mindset for the day ahead. The way we speak to ourselves can have a profound effect on how we feel, our energy levels and our behaviours. This powerful meditation can support you to feel connected and at ease with yourself, just...

  • 7 Min Ground & Balance Flow with Zakiya

    Join Zakiya for a mini hands-free balancing flow to build inner and outer strength. You'll stay standing throughout this flow, so perfect if you want to take a break from being seated. You'll explore a gentle flow that includes Warrior 3 and Tree pose. Grab a chair or stay close to a wall if you ...

  • 8 Min Morning Meditation with Nicole

    Join Nicole for a grounding morning meditation to invite gratitude and calm. Start your day with a positive mindset supporting you to be more focused and balanced. You'll do some cleansing breaths and enjoy the sound of Nicole playing wind chimes.

  • 8 Min Facial Massage with Zakiya

    Join Zakiya for a seated practice to release tension from your face and calm your nervous system. You'll massage your temples, jaw and third eye space alongside soothing breathing. This practice can help to support stress reduction, calm racing thoughts and generally make you feel more relaxed.

  • 10 Min Energising Vinyasa Flow with Nicole

    Join Nicole for a fast-paced, dynamic flow to energise your mind and body. You'll flow through a series of postures to stretch your entire body, leaving you feeling strong and possibly hot! Please go at a pace that feels right for you and pause if you need to.

  • 6 Min Moon Salutation Slow Flow with Nicole

    Join Nicole for a calming moon salutation slow flow to channel the calming lunar energy. There are many variations to the moon salutation (known as Chandra Namaskar in Sanskrit) - this one is Nicole's favourite. The moon salutation can help you to channel the lunar energy, which has cool, relaxin...

  • 10 Min Dynamic Warrior Vinyasa with Zakiya

    Join Zakiya for a gentle dynamic Warrior flow to feel empowered and energised. You'll explore Warrior 1, Warrior 2, Peace Warrior and Side angle pose with lots of flowing in between.

  • 8 Min Grounding Meditation with Zakiya

    Join Zakiya for this 8-min Grounding Meditation. You can do this seated or lying down. This mediation focuses on moving your awareness down from your thinking mind to the solid ground beneath you.

    This is a great practice to re-focus your mind, body and breath.

  • 8 Min Morning Meditation with Karen

    Join Karen to welcome in a new day with this guided morning Yoga Nidra. Switch off all notifications and settle in a space where you won't be disturbed. You may wish to practice lying or seated, whichever feels most comfortable and supportive for you.
    This Yoga Nidra was written by Melanie Cooper.

  • 9 Min Breathing Meditation with Nicole

    Join Nicole for this meditation practice with visualisations, box breathing and affirmations. You may find this practice helpful when you want to invite in the feeling of hope.

    You can be seated or laying for this practice- whichever way you find most supportive and can comfortably find a sense ...

  • 10 Min Dynamic Balance Vinyasa Flow with Nicole

    Join Nicole for an energising flow exploring balancing poses. You'll flow through Warrior 1, Warrior 2, Half Moon Pose and lots in between. This flow may feel physically engaging at times so please go at a pace that feels right for you.

  • 9 Min Intro to Savasana with Paula

    Join Paula and be introduced to a foundational resting posture, Savasana.
    Savasana is a Sanskrit word that translates to Corpse Pose. In Savasana, you lie down on your back and relax your body and mind. You can use props to support your body to find comfort. During this pose, you close your eyes,...

  • 5 Min Calming Breathing with Paula

    Join Paula for this breathing practice, where you'll extend your exhale to ease your mind and body into a relaxed state gently. You can do this practice seated or lying down. The 1:2 breath ratio is designed to slow us down. It moves us from the sympathetic (stress) nervous system into the parasy...

  • 5 Min Gentle Flow with Zakiya - Morning Mindful Movement

    Join Zakiya for a gentle morning flow to invite energy and warmth. Lift and lengthen your body with a hands-free Surya Namaskar (sun salutation).

  • 10 Min Root Chakra Meditation by Zakiya

    Join Zakiya for a guided meditation to explore your root chakra. Get comfy seated or lying down and enjoy a grounded meditation to encourage you to feel grounded and connected to yourself. This meditation can be especially good for a busy mind.

  • 10 Min Slow Flow with Coco to music - Lateral Stretches & Backbends

    Join Coco for an engaged slow-flow practice to explore lateral stretches and deep backbends. You'll start this practice on all fours creating space in the body with lateral stretches. You'll then flow into some standing backbends, ending with Camel pose. This is a great practice to do first thing...