Guided Breathing Practices

Guided Breathing Practices

This collection of guided breathing practices can support you in lengthening a shallow breath, calming your mind, and regulating your emotions. You can do them seated or lying down. Breathwork can support stress reduction and calm anxiety.

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Guided Breathing Practices
  • 5 Min Energiser with Zakiya

    Join Zakiya for an energising seated practice to awaken your mind and body, including Lion’s breath. Lion's Breath not only stretches the muscles in your face but also relieves tension and tightness while improving circulation. It's an energetic and awakening breath that will also help to ease th...

  • 9 Min Extended Exhale Breathing Practice with Zakiya

    Join Zakiya for a soothing extended exhale practice to promote peace and calm. Longer exhales cause the vagus nerve to send a signal to your brain, activating the parasympathetic nervous system (rest and digest) and easing the sympathetic nervous system (fight, flight, or freeze).

  • 5 Min Soother with Zakiya

    Join Zakiya to soothe your mind and body in this calming mini-practice. You'll do a soothing breathing practice and self-nurturing gentle movement. This is perfect for anxious moments.

  • 6 Min Humming Bee Breathing with Zakiya

    Join Zakiya for a seated practice exploring humming bee breathing. The vibrations from the humming sound have a natural calming effect and give immediate relief from tension, worry, anger, stress and anxiety. It's helpful for those with hypertension as it calms down the agitated mind. It also hel...

  • 5 Min Pelvic Floor Breathing Practice with Zakiya

    Join Zakiya for a pelvic floor breathwork practice to support your pelvic floor health. With each breath you take, your diaphragm (the muscle at the bottom of your ribcage) moves. When your diaphragm moves, your pelvic floor moves. (Your pelvic floor is a group of muscles that sits at the bottom ...

  • 11 Min Guided Ujjayi Pranayama with Zakiya

    Join Zakiya for a guided Ujjayi Pranayama to invite calm waves and soothe your nervous system. You can do this practice seated or lying down. You'll be invited to tune into your Ujjayi breath with a visualisation of a beach and the tide. If you've never practised Ujjayi Pranayama before, we recom...

  • 5 Min Calming Breathing with Paula

    Join Paula for this breathing practice, where you'll extend your exhale to ease your mind and body into a relaxed state gently. You can do this practice seated or lying down. The 1:2 breath ratio is designed to slow us down. It moves us from the sympathetic (stress) nervous system into the parasy...

  • 5 Min Coherent Breathing with Zakiya

    Join Zakiya for a guided Coherent Breathing practice, one of the most effective ways to soothe feelings of anxiety and stress. You can do this practice seated or lying down. Get comfy and make use of props such as cushions or blocks to support your body!

  • 8 Min Intro to Breath Awareness with Zakiya

    Join Zakiya for a breath awareness introduction to understand how and where your body breathes.

    Becoming aware of our breath has been shown to engage our parasympathetic nervous system or “rest and digest” system. This calms our stress response. This happens just by noticing it, without even try...

  • 12 Min Coherent Breathing with Zakiya

    Join Zakiya for a guided Coherent Breathing practice, one of the most effective ways to soothe feelings of anxiety and stress. You can do this practice seated or lying down. Get comfy and make use of props such as cushions or blocks to support your body.

  • 7 Min Belly Breathing with Zakiya

    Join Zakiya to lengthen and strengthen your breath to find calm and regulation. In belly breathing, you'll consciously move your breath down from your chest to what feels like your belly, allowing it to rise and fall with the breath. Belly breathing, also called diaphragmatic breathing, helps to ...

  • 10 Min Soothing Breathing & Gentle Movement with Zakiya

    Join Zakiya for a seated breathing & gentle movement practice to soothe your mind and body. Connect to your breath and calm your mind. Find a seat in a way that is comfortable for you. You may like to support yourself with pillows or in a chair.

  • 16 Min Coherent Breathing with Zakiya - Soothe Anxiety

    Join Zakiya for an extended guided Coherent Breathing practice, one of the most effective ways to soothe feelings of anxiety and stress. You can do this practice seated or lying down. Get comfy and make use of props such as cushions or blocks to support your body!

  • 9 Min Breathing Meditation with Nicole

    Join Nicole for this meditation practice with visualisations, box breathing and affirmations. You may find this practice helpful when you want to invite in the feeling of hope.

    You can be seated or laying for this practice- whichever way you find most supportive and can comfortably find a sense ...

  • 7 Min Coherent Breathing Chimes - Support Anxiety & Stress

    Breathe to the sound of chimes in our no-intro Coherent Breathing practice, one of the most effective ways to soothe feelings of anxiety and stress. You can do this practice seated or lying down. Get comfy and use props such as cushions or blocks to support your body.

  • 6 Min Coherent Breathing with Zakiya - Soothe Anxiety

    Join Zakiya for a guided Coherent Breathing practice, one of the most effective ways to soothe feelings of anxiety and stress. You can do this practice seated or lying down. Get comfy and make use of props such as cushions or blocks to support your body!

  • 7 Min Ujjayi Pranayama Introduction with Zakiya - Part 1

    Join Zakiya for an introduction to Ujjayi Pranayama - a breathing practice that helps to soothe anxiety and stress.

    Ujjayi means victorious and this practice helps to elongate and lengthen our breath. Ujjayi breathing helps with shallow breathing and racing thoughts- common symptoms of anxiety ...

  • 5 Min Ujjayi Pranayama Introduction with Zakiya - Part 2

    Join Zakiya to explore the Ujjayi Pranayama - a breathing practice that supports anxiety and stress. In this practice you'll extend and lengthen your Ujjayi Pranayama and invite in some gentle movement. We recommend doing part 1 if you've never done this breathing practice before.

    Ujjayi means ...