10 Minutes and Under Collection

10 Minutes and Under Collection

Short on time? Breathe, move and rest with our 10 minutes and under selection.

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10 Minutes and Under Collection
  • 10 Min Slow Flow with Coco to music - Lateral Stretches & Backbends

    Join Coco for an engaged slow-flow practice to explore lateral stretches and deep backbends. You'll start this practice on all fours creating space in the body with lateral stretches. You'll then flow into some standing backbends, ending with Camel pose. This is a great practice to do first thing...

  • 7 Min Gentle Flow with Zakiya to music

    Join Zakiya for a gentle, energising handsfree Warrior flow. You'll explore Warrior 1, 2, and Reverse Warrior, and take flight in Warrior 3. This gentle flow is hands-free so you'll stay standing and have the option to use a chair to support your balance in Warrior 3.

  • 9 Min Earthly Meditation with Coco

    Find a sense of presence and settle your active mind, body and breath in this short meditation practice with Coco. Notice your body's connection to the ground; explore "humming bee" breath and welcome soothing affirmations.

    This was recorded outside by Coco in The Gambian countryside.

  • 10 Min Mountain Meditation with Zakiya

    Join Zakiya to welcome a feeling of groundedness with Be the Mountain meditation, adapted by John Zabat's mindfulness meditation. Settle in a space with a blanket and cushions. You may wish to practice lying or seated, whichever feels most comfortable and supportive for you. This practice can hel...

  • 7 Min Ujjayi Pranayama Introduction with Zakiya - Part 1

    Join Zakiya for an introduction to Ujjayi Pranayama - a breathing practice that helps to soothe anxiety and stress.

    Ujjayi means victorious and this practice helps to elongate and lengthen our breath. Ujjayi breathing helps with shallow breathing and racing thoughts- common symptoms of anxiety ...

  • 5 Min Ujjayi Pranayama Introduction with Zakiya - Part 2

    Join Zakiya to explore the Ujjayi Pranayama - a breathing practice that supports anxiety and stress. In this practice you'll extend and lengthen your Ujjayi Pranayama and invite in some gentle movement. We recommend doing part 1 if you've never done this breathing practice before.

    Ujjayi means ...

  • 5 Min Gentle Flow with Zakiya to Music

    Join Zakiya for a gentle morning flow to invite energy and warmth. Lift and lengthen your body with a hands-free Surya Namaskar (sun salutation).

  • 5 Min Coherent Breathing with Zakiya

    Join Zakiya for a guided Coherent Breathing practice, one of the most effective ways to soothe feelings of anxiety and stress. You can do this practice seated or lying down. Get comfy and make use of props such as cushions or blocks to support your body!

  • 7 Min Coherent Breathing Chimes - Support Anxiety & Stress

    Breathe to the sound of chimes in our no-intro Coherent Breathing practice, one of the most effective ways to soothe feelings of anxiety and stress. You can do this practice seated or lying down. Get comfy and use props such as cushions or blocks to support your body.

  • 7 Min Seated Gentle Twists Flow with Zakiya

    Join Zakiya to twist and let go of things that aren't serving you with this self-nurturing practice. You'll do a soothing breathing practice, gentle twists and a self-hug.

    This practice can be done at any time of the day. Especially good for when you're feeling overwhelmed.

  • 6 Min Coherent Breathing with Zakiya - Soothe Anxiety

    Join Zakiya for a guided Coherent Breathing practice, one of the most effective ways to soothe feelings of anxiety and stress. You can do this practice seated or lying down. Get comfy and make use of props such as cushions or blocks to support your body!

  • 7 Min Belly Breathing with Zakiya

    Join Zakiya to lengthen and strengthen your breath to find calm and regulation. In belly breathing, you'll consciously move your breath down from your chest to what feels like your belly, allowing it to rise and fall with the breath. Belly breathing, also called diaphragmatic breathing, helps to ...

  • 10 Min Sound Meditation with Nicole

    Join Nicole for this calming sound bath meditation. An immersive practice that can support a sense of ease.

    Put on some good headphones or speakers and a room free from distractions. Feel free to use blankets, pillows, eye pillows or other items that will make you more comfortable. You can lie ...

  • 10 Min Soothing Breathing & Gentle Movement with Zakiya

    Join Zakiya for a seated breathing & gentle movement practice to soothe your mind and body. Connect to your breath and calm your mind. Find a seat in a way that is comfortable for you. You may like to support yourself with pillows or in a chair.

  • 8 Min Intro to Breath Awareness with Zakiya

    Join Zakiya for a breath awareness introduction to understand how and where your body breathes.

    Becoming aware of our breath has been shown to engage our parasympathetic nervous system or “rest and digest” system. This calms our stress response. This happens just by noticing it, without even try...

  • 8 Min Intro to Cat and Cow Poses with Zakiya

    Join Zakiya to explore cat and cow poses from a chair, the floor, all fours and standing.

    In cat and cow poses, you bring the two postures together to create a moving meditation which can be done in coordination with your breath. Cat cow pose increases the flexibility of the neck, shoulders and ...