18 Min Guided Yoga Nidra with Karen
11 - 20 Minutes Collection
Join Karen to take time out of your day and welcome a sense of deep rest in this guided practice. Switch off all notifications and settle in a space where you won't be disturbed. You may wish to practice lying or seated, whichever feels most comfortable and supportive for you that you can most likely stay in for the duration of the practice.
The body temperature can drop during a Yoga Nidra practice so you may wish to use a blanket and put on some warm layers.
Up Next in 11 - 20 Minutes Collection
12 Min Slow Flow with Coco - Ground a...
Join Coco for a steady, grounding practice as you work through Surya Namaskar (sun salutations) towards Virabhadrasana 3 (Warrior 3). This short and effective flow will help you explore ways to find your balance in standing postures.
You may wish to use blocks, a chair or a wall to support you ...
15 Min Gentle Grounding Flow with Zakiya
Join Zakiya for a grounding flow to feel stable and connected - seated or standing. Begin in a supportive posture to feel grounded and settled before building up to some gentle and flowing movements.
Grounding can help you to feel present and settled.
20 Min Gentle Backbends Flow with Zakiya
Join Zakiya for an energising gentle standing flow to wake up your mind, body and breath! Begin seated for a grounded meditation before gently awakening the spine with flowing postures on all fours then moving to stand. You may find the use of a cushion of blocks supportive in your practice.