14 Min Gentle Flow with Zakiya - Twist and Detox
11 - 20 Minutes Collection
Join Zakiya for a twist-and-flow sequence that's all about getting energised and detoxifying. Begin seated to find a sense of grounding before exploring twisting movements on all fours and then on to a short standing sequence.
Grab a couple of blocks or books to bring the floor closer to you in a forward-fold twist. Enjoy :)
Up Next in 11 - 20 Minutes Collection
19 Min Yoga for Menopause with Paula ...
Join Paula for a supportive yoga for menopause practice to soothe anxiety and overwhelm. When we journey into our peri-menopausal years, we can become more Vatta (We have three dosas: vatta, pitta, kappa). Ways excess Vatta can show up is anxiety, overwhelm and brain fog. This practice focuses on...
17 Min Restorative Yoga for Menopause...
Join Paula for a soothing practice to reduce the stress associated with menopause. You'll need some bolsters/pillows/cushions and a stable chair or something to raise your legs on. Get some warm clothes and a blanket, and make time for yourself.